Sunday, November 20, 2011

Walk Along the River

It wasn't raining today, so we thought we'd get the dogs out for a walk. We live across the street from the river and we only have to walk a couple of blocks to a spot where we can let the dogs off the leashes for a good run. Good shot of Mt. Hood today with a fresh covering of snow. I think the ski areas were able to open this weekend for day skiing. It is always good for the slopes to be able to open before the Thanksgiving holiday. We have finally had our first really hard frost with the temperatures dipping below freezing for the last two nights. No moisture in the air, so no snow on the valley floor where we live.
Here is Martin and Sailor. He is holding Guido's leash with one hand and Sailor is off the leash. Sailor sticks really close by, but Guido would take off if we let him.
The dogs really enjoy going for walks together. They have to smell all the good smells together and be sure to pee on all the right places. Below they confer on what their next move should be.
Guido is really a handsome boy when he isn't being bossy. I have never met such an alpha dog in my life. He is really sweet and loves people, but he wants to be in charge of everything!
They are both sound asleep after all the fresh air and exercise. We are getting ready to have a cup of hot chocolate. Life is good!

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