Sunday, November 13, 2011

Almost Birthday and Thanksgiving

Today we had an almost birthday party for Brandon who turns 8 on Tuesday the 15th. We decided that since we would not be seeing the Kindleys on Thanksgiving and because my sister Maxine is visiting that we should have an almost Thanksgiving too. So we cooked up turkey and all the trimmings including the traditional green bean casserole. Above you see Brandon blowing out the candles on his almost birthday cake.
Here everyone is trying to figure out how to play the game that we gave Brandon. Sailor is the only one who doesn't look confused! Grandpa got into the mix and the competition was on.. I'm not sure who won, but it was a close contest.
Here's a picture of Brandon opening his gifts. Anna was very interested and she received a belated birthday gift from my sister.
More of the gifts being opened.
Sailor checking out Brandon to make sure that he is OK! The metal gate is supposed to keep the dogs out of the living room, but so much for that idea.
Anna was pretty happy to receive her princess fashion design sticker set.

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