Saturday, October 8, 2011

Indian Summer Day 2011

Beautiful Saturday, no rain, which is incredible for October in the Pacific Northwest. Martin convinced me to squeeze my broken foot into a shoe and go with him and Sailor to the dog park.
This is my first trip to the dog park since I broke my foot in July and there have been some improvements. They have added doggie drinking fountains which is great. Every dog gets some fresh water and owners can depend on having water available without having to transport some when you visit the park. They also added a couple of new benches around the walking loop. Makes a great place for dogs even better and there were many dogs out today enjoying this unusually sunny day. Martin couldn't convince Sailor to try the new fountain, as Sailor prefers to wait until he gets home for a drink.
Look at me basking in the sunshine and enjoying a cast free walk around the park. It has been 10 weeks since I have enjoyed walking in two shoes. I hope that I can officially lose the little cast boot when I go in on the 20th and really be back in shoes. It was really fun to see all the other dogs and dog owners who were there today. The three of us really enjoyed our morning walk!

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