Monday, September 12, 2011

Victoria BC Redux

The last night of our cruise we made a quick stop in Victoria BC. We were fortunate that we had spent some time here last August, so we didn't have to try to see things in the four hours that were available to see the major attractions in the city. We were able to take a shuttle bus from the pier to the Empress Hotel, where I had made dinner reservations for us in their dining room. Above is the Parliament Building in Victoria. You can see by the crowds on the sidewalks that it was a busy Saturday night.
Here is Martin standing in front of the hotel. The flowers are still in full bloom and the weather was fantastic. I am standing in front of the hotel below and you can see what a grand place it is.
Martin made friends with a statue that was installed after our visit last August. This is Betsy, who was a famous local artist in Victoria BC. She is accompanied by her dog and visitors are encouraged to interact with her. You can see that Martin was impressed.
Below is Martin's dinner that he had at the Empress. It was a sirloin steak with fresh seafood on top. A bit of a twist on the usual surf and turf. Martin loved it, said it was one of the best meals that he had all week. Pretty high praise and we had a number of excellent meals while traveling this week.
Here I am below enjoying my meal, you can see what a beautiful place the Empress Room is and why I wanted to have dinner there.
And finally the Parliament at night as we were walking to the shuttle bus to return to the ship. I was reminded of what a great place Victoria is to visit and I want to go back again soon.
We are back home again. My sister Maxine picked us up early Sunday morning at the pier and we stopped for breakfast in the Luna district of Seattle. It was a wonderful funky restaurant and a great welcome home to Washington State. Our dogs were very happy to have us home and we arrived to a garden full of ripe tomatoes! I look forward to eating them this week and catching up on the bales of laundry that I have to do from our trip. Great trip, but it is always nice to come home.

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