Friday, September 9, 2011

Ketchikan Alaska

Here we are our last stop in Alaska was this morning. It was also our shortest time to be able to explore ashore. We have a long trip to Victoria BC to accomplish by tomorrow evening. Victoria will be our last hurrah for the cruise. The time has flown by and it has been an incredibly fun and relaxing trip.
Martin took this photo as we were docking in Ketchikan. It was a bit foggy, but it cleared off beautifully while we were walking around town. No rain today! Below is a statue in the harbor that honors all the people that made Ketchikan the city that it is today.
The Ketchikan river, they have a viewing video in the US Forest Service building so you can watch the Salmon swim by.
A totem that was outside of the library/museum. The museum was filled with things from the earliest settlement of Ketchikan.
So long Alaska, we have learned a great deal about our 49th state in our visit. It is truly a beautiful place.

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