Friday, September 9, 2011

Sitka Alaska

It was a wet Thursday in Sitka Alaska. We had to take the ship tenders over to the Sitka Harbor because the water is too shallow to allow the Oosterdam to dock there. Below is St. Michaels's Church which is probably one of the strongest reminders of the Russian influence in what was once their territory.
Here you can see what the interior of the church looks like. The church burned down in 1966 and the residents of Sitka were able to save all the church icons but one.
More of St. Michael's church in the main sanctuary. Lots of gold and silver leaf, but really very simple compared to what we have seen in some churches.
Above is the statue at the Prospector's Home which was established in 1934 for a place for the original prospectors in Alaska to spend their last days. We had a great lunch in a local restaurant and returned to the ship damp, but happy.

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