Thursday, September 8, 2011

Juneau Alaska

Here we are standing in front of Mendenhall Glacier which can be readily reached by traveling on part of Juneau's 63 miles of paved road. There is no way to get anywhere from here except by plane or boat. It is a landlocked city, and I can imagine it could get a bit claustrophobic in the winter months. The locals are still talking about what it was like when the local McDonald's opened in 1982. We made friends with the locals as you can see Martin below, I guess you should really watch your back!
And here I am taking a break from all the shopping we did in town. We were probably a bit of a disappointment as we really didn't purchase all that much.
We went a little out of town to a big Salmon bake. Here's Martin eating some of the wonderful food. It was Coho Salmon cooked over a wood fire.
Oh, and did I mention we saw a bear. A REAL black bear lurking on the outskirts of where everyone was enjoying all the great food. Very near where folks were roasting marshmallows over a campfire. Hold on to those marshmallows folks. I now understand why even the garbage cans in downtown Juneau are bear safe!
Sorry it is not a very clear picture, but I think my hands were shaking a little. He did turn around and walk away.
Back to our ship safe and sound. Today we are in Sitka and waiting for the tender to ferry us into town since the harbor isn't equipped for the big ships. More to come!

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