Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anna's 5th Birthday Party

Anna is turning 5 years old on September 15th, so Molly decided to have her birthday party early this year before the kids go back to school full time. It was held in a park close to their house on Saturday that turned out to be a beautiful summer day. She had a princess cake to honor her day.
All the kids were very interested in watching Molly cut the cake. No one wanted to miss getting their piece of birthday cake!
There was the usual opening of presents, below she is opening the Barbie doll that we got her!
There was even a castle shaped pinata that was opened by finding the right ribbon to pull. Look how everyone lined up for their turn.
And special entertainment was Grandma on her roller cart. Looks like a pretty skeptical audience doesn't it! Great day for Anna to celebrate her birthday with family and friends.

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