Sunday, August 7, 2011

Clark County Fair 2011

Went to the Clark County Fair today. Martin and I go every year, it is a happy ritual for us to get out and see all the sights. What is different, is for the first time in my life, I couldn't walk the fair. So instead of using my crutches, we took my handy little knee scooter with us. We rode the bus to the fair only 2 dollars round trip and they drop you off right at the main gate. I actually had to use the lift to get on the bus, but it worked really well and had no difficulties with the ride. Martin was dubious at first about my ability to navigate my way around the fair, but 4 hours later called the trip a success.
This year the theme of the fair was Pioneers of Fire Fighting. There was some of the most incredible fire equipment that I had ever seen in one place without going to some huge Fire Museum someplace. All the equipment came from the communities located in Clark County and much is owned by private collectors. I ran into a nurse that used to work in the ED with me. She and her husband owned many of the antique fire suppression equipment that was there.
Cathy and Doug owned this pumper that has actually appeared in the films "Hello Dolly" and "Chicago". It is fully restored and works and is the boiler is certified every year. Below is a Ford Fire Truck that was beautifully restored.
The engine pictured below belongs to Camas Fire and was used up until 1968. Martin realized that it was the Camas Fire engine that was used when his father lived in Camas.
Below is a General Motors Fire Engine, Martin really loved that 1930's look and snub nose on it.
Last but not least, below is a Hydrangea flower that was featured in the 4H display and grown by one of the kids. We love to see all the 4H projects and all the food, photos, quilts and other hand made items by the folks that live in our County. Another year and another great fair.

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