Monday, May 30, 2011

Martin's Birthday and Other Stuff

Martin blew the candles out on another birthday yesterday. We celebrated by going out to dinner with Molly, Rob, and the kids at Tad's Chicken and Dumplings in Troutdale, OR. It is a restaurant that has been open since 1928, and has a fun knotty pine retro feel. Brandon and Anna were amazed at the cloth roller pull towel in the bathrooms. They had never seen one of those before. After dinner we came back to the house for Martin's favorite German Chocolate cake. I only put four candles on it because Brandon thought the cake might melt if I put 63.
Below is Anna with her cast, only a week or so to go and she is free. Though Molly says that the cast hasn't slowed her down one bit!
The picture below is a rare skill known to dog owners. It is called "sleep petting". I would encourage all you newbies to only have cold liquid in the cup until you are fulling able to grasp this new skill.
And finally, a picture from last weekend when my sister Maxine came for a visit. The dogs were thrilled that she was here. We really had a good time just hanging out, I look forward to her next visit in July!

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