Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree How Lovely Are Thy Branches

We braved the cold and the harsh east wind today, to head out to Farrell's Tree Farm in Washougal to find our Christmas tree. We have got a tree there every year since moving to Camas. First we use the measuring pole they provide to find a tree that is the right height.
We were fortunate and one of the young men who worked there showed up with a chain saw which made our job so much easier. I marked the tree with a ribbon that had our name on it below.

They shake all the extra needles off of it then put it through the machine that wraps it in string for the trip home.

While they were shaking the needles off of it and getting it ready to travel I sought the warmth of their camp fire.

Like the new look of earmuffs over the hood. They fell off and I didn't want to lose them so this was my bright idea.

OK, it made it home and after many hours of chores we finally got it decorated. I'm looking forward to getting the rest of my decorations up tomorrow.

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