Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday after Thanksgiving

We thought for sure that we would be the only folks at the dog park today, but we weren't. There was another couple our age that brought out their two dogs for a run " to protect their sanity." I know what they mean, the wolfhounds were ready for a good run after being couped up in this cold weather. The rain didn't bother them at all though they came running when we pulled out the towels to dry them off before we put them in back in the van.

If you notice, the black dog only has three legs. Her owners told us that she usually runs away from other dogs when she comes to the park. For some reason, she seemed to enjoy the wolfhounds and followed them around for a bit. Sailor's bandage came flying off at some point in the run, so I think I will leave it off for a bit, so it can get some air. Below is a short film of the merriment.

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