Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving With All the Trimmings

What a great Thanksgiving! Molly did the whole dinner, we just had to show up with some cranberries and a pumpkin pie. Brandon and Anna did their best to entertain themselves before dinner was ready. That is Anna riding Brandon around the living room, her own personal horse.
The turkey was finished and it was beautiful and tasted as good as it looked. An incredible first turkey, great job Molly! Everything was delicious and we made pretty short order of the meal.

The table was very pretty too. We had a bit of wine and the kids had sparkling apple cider. It is safe to say that no one went hungry today. After dinner we participated in a family project and decorated the gingerbread house. Brandon and Anna did all the hard work of decorating and were allowed to eat any of the leftover candy, though I think a few disappeared before the work was done.

I thought that it turned out pretty well. It was my first gingerbread house decorating project and we all had a hand in getting it done.

After the gingerbread house was finished it was time to decorate the Christmas tree. Well first Anna and Brandon decorated each other while waiting for it to be time to put the ornaments on the tree.

Finally it was time for the ornaments, and the tree is up and gorgeous. The kids did a really good job of putting the decorations on, I hope that their cat Tater doesn't take them off!

Wonderful time, I am starting to really get into the holiday spirit....

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