Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Chores and Snow

Snow surprised us this afternoon. The forecast said there might be some, but this is pretty early in the year for us to experience it. We did get our hard frost last night. When we woke up this morning every thing had a nice white blanket on it. It went away pretty quickly, but the temperature stayed around 33 degrees F.
It started coming down pretty quickly and heavy at one point. We could have had a winter wonderland had it continued, but it is all gone. I guess we will have to see what happens if it freezes tonight.

Martin did finish the door to the garage. Above is the side from the laundry room and below is the garage side. He put some heavy duty Plexiglas on it to keep the scratches from the dogs from destroying the door. The dogs signal to go outside is scratching the door, so this allows them to continue what they have been doing without any problem.

Below is a short film of a squirrel I was watching during the heaviest part of the snow.

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