Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Chores

Sailor is sleeping soundly. He didn't even notice that I bandaged his tail. We can't figure out what he did to it. We think it is probably a wagging injury. I put a little antibiotic ointment on it and wrapped it up. We'll see if it makes it through the night.
You can see my lovely first aid job. Sailor didn't even open his eyes while I took care of it for him. I hope he doesn't notice it!

One lonely sun flower still blooming by my ground feeder. You can see how wet our backyard is, the grass is like standing on a sponge. The dogs won't be able to go out there until spring or the ground freezes. Speaking of which it is cold and clear, we will probably get our first hard frost tonight.

Martin painted the door from our laundry room to the garage today. He will put on some Plexiglas to cover the lower panel on both sides to help prevent dog scratches. Busy Saturday, all this and I did the grocery shopping too.

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