Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Remembering today all the Veterans who have served our country for many years and through many wars. Especially remembering those in mine and Marlene's family (including myself).

On the left 1st Lt. Martin Burrows, in Germany around 1971-72. Below a more official photo from the same period. I was stationed with HHC 3st Bde, 1st Armored Division.

Seaman First Class Jimmie L. Burrows - served in the Pacific, WWII

Marlene's Dad, Samuel Sassali, also US Navy WWII

Not pictured my grandfather, Richard Preston, US Army, WWI - France where he lost a leg on his 18th birthday. I know there were many others...these are just some of the ones we are familiar with.

Thanks to them all.

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