Sunday, December 5, 2010

All Decorated And Ready to Go!

Finished the decorating today. What an exhausting job. I don't remember it taking two days to get the house in shape, but maybe I'm blocking it out of my memory. It is more fun to put it up than take it down for sure. The house always looks so empty when Christmas is over and the decorations come down. Molly is hosting the family party at our house this year, so I wanted it to look festive.
We call this tree in the family room the "dog tree". It has survived a number of puppies and has all unbreakable ornaments on it, just in case it gets knocked down. That is a wolfhound sleeping on the couch. And Sailor sleeping on the bed behind the couch below. Had to move their bed for the tree. Sorry guys, but Sailor seems to prefer it. OK, Christmas I guess we are ready.

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