Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quick Trip to Miami

I had a quick trip to Miami Florida this week for a business meeting (National Association of State Workforce Agencies) I represent Oregon on the Employment and Training Committee of this organization so end up travelling out of state three or four times a year for meetings. I was looking forward to a little warm sunshine for a break from Oregon Winter weather...I got the sunshine but not the was unseasonable cold there this week. Not cold by Oregon/Washington standards (low 60's) but very cold by theirs. I didn't have much time to see anything except for one evening walk towards the South Beach area.

The picture above is the beach right behind the hotel the meeting was in. Below is the lobby of the hotel...yes they do celebrate Christmas in Florida.
One view out my Hotel window of the canal on one side of Miami Beach
The Ocean side from the other side of my room window.
Below, the outside of the Hotel I was in.
And across the canal one of the little houses on the shore.
Lots of interesting architecture around South beach. Mostly small hotels and condos

It was a quick trip- left Monday Morning, and got back home Wed. night. Now back to the regular grind.

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