Sunday, December 19, 2010

Martin is on Vacation

Martin's vacation started after work on Friday. I still have two days to work before I can wrap it up for Christmas. Seems like Heartman and Sailor know he's home too. Martin is getting their undivided attention. I am going to drive our car to work for the next two days so Martin can take the dogs to the dog park weather permitting. It is rainy and cold tonight. I spent the weekend making about 12 pounds of Almond Roca. I usually gift my team with some of it for Christmas every year. On Tuesday, we are having a holiday potluck during the lunch hour
complete with a pirate gift exchange. Luckily our work room counter turns into a good buffet and our interview room is big enough for three tables so we all can sit and eat. We have to be available to answer Crisis calls and respond in the community as always. Sometimes the 24/7 nature of the team is hard, but the team is dedicated to bringing the best services possible to our community. I feel very fortunate to have such professional caring individuals working for me!

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