Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jim and Shawn - 2nd Anniversary

Two years ago Jim and Shawn got married at our house. Sailor was best dog in the wedding and he took his role very seriously. Shawn and Sailor hit it off immediately and he still remembers her. There is a picture below of Sailor getting a kiss for doing such a good job in the wedding

Jim and Shawn came over for dinner tonight to celebrate their anniversary and their birthdays. Sailor was so happy to see them both. He wouldn't leave them alone. Jim and Shawn are cat people. I think they got enough wolfhound and Guido love to last them to their next anniversary!

Has it been two years? Hard to believe in wolfhound time that is about 16 years. Yes, Sailor seemed to remember the important role he played in their special day.

We had a great dinner of chicken pot pie, Caesar salad and cranberry chutney. Oh, yes there was Tiramisu for dessert.

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