Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crisis Services Winter Solstice Potluck

The anticipation of the food was palpable, as folks waited in the bullpen for Dave to come back to the office with the fried chicken. It only looks kicked back as my staff have learned over the years to 'let it ride' and take what comes their way.
The food was finally together and we ate and ate and ate. The phones were mercifully quiet while we put on the feedbag. Above is Lisa and Jeff, oh and Michelle's arm poised for the attack.

We had a pirate gift exchange, and Diane is carefully considering the tea she chose out of the gifts. Unfortunately for Diane, Kara decided she wanted the tea when it was her turn to choose, sending Diane back to the gift pile.

Dave is showing a crowd favorite, a robot kitchen timer. It was "won" by Ben who just may use it for time outs at home. Watch out kids!

Meg came in on her day off and brought her youngest, Jake. Is he the cutest Santa or what!
David R. is below. He came in on his day off as well. Nice to see him in something else other than business attire.

The work room was full of incredible treats...Please don't tell facilities that we had all those crock pots plugged in at one time. What a great time, we really didn't mind that it was the shortest day of the year!!

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