Saturday, October 23, 2010

Apples and More - 10/23/10

After some deliberation this morning over weather reports and the potential for heavy rain, we decided to go to Hood River Oregon and go to one of the orchards there for apples. This photo is at Cape Horn in the Columbia River Gorge and is 10 miles from our house up the Lewis and Clark Highway also known as Hwy 14 to the locals. Beautiful cloudy foggy day over the Columbia River. There wasn't much traffic, so we stopped so I could get this picture.
Another shot in the same spot of the Columbia River. Just as I got out of the car an enormous hawk flew away and scared me. I was sorry that I didn't catch it in the picture. You can see that the leaves are just starting to get their fall color on.

Here we go across the old toll bridge to get to the Oregon side of the river. This bridge is a skinny two lane metal monstrosity that shortens our trip by about 25 miles. The toll is only a dollar and is worth it just in the view from the bridge.

This is the orchard where we stopped. There are at least 16 other fruit orchards along the way, but Martin had his heart set on us heading to Kahneeta for lunch after we bought some apples. We bought about 25 pounds of apples in about 6 different varieties. There was tasting available, but it cost $3, so we decided just to buy the varieties we remembered from last year.

About 55 miles and an hour and a half, we were on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation at the Kahneeta Resort. We had lunch in their restaurant that overlooks the valley where I am standing . There is a golf course at the floor of the valley which isn't pictured above. There is a tiny casino attached to the resort and I managed to lose $20. Pictured below are some of the apples we purchased. Tomorrow maybe an apple pie!

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