Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday, October 17,2010

The weekend has flown by again. Molly, Rob and the kids came over for supper tonight. Above you see Molly and Brandon practicing some magic tricks with playing cards. They stopped at the library and checked out a book on magic tricks. Brandon seems to enjoy trying all of them. He especially likes to have you pick a card, the top one from the deck. Then magically he is able to tell you what the card is you picked. He was also able to take a crayon and make it go through his brain and come out his mouth. Molly says that Brandon doesn't have a brain and has the X rays from the dentist to prove it! They almost had one of his classmates convinced it was true. I can only imagine what that kid went home and told his family.
Brandon also came over sporting a new Star Wars tattoo. Looks pretty real doesn't it. He says it will last a few days. We had lots of fun and ate a wonderful pot roast, potatoes, carrots and biscuits, with key lime squares for dessert. Tomorrow back to the grind.

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