Monday, July 12, 2010

Sailor's Bad Day

The boys stick close together today after Sailor returned from the vet. He has a small cut on the inside of his inner ear that bled and took some work to stop. We got the bleeding stopped last night, then about 3am he got up to go outside and shook his head as dog's do, and started to bleed again. So I got up with him and applied pressure to his cut and was able to stop the bleeding again.
He was still bleeding a bit this morning and I was able to get him into his vet's first appointment this morning. We considered a trip to the emergency vet last night, but thanks to my band aid work, was able to get things under control. Dr. Fritch was impressed with the band aids and when the cut was cleaned up realized that it wasn't big enough to require sutures. It was a tiny L shaped cut and two tiny pin marks causing all the drama. The ear has such a great blood supply that it made the bleeding dramatic for a small injury. He came out with his ear hair pulled up in a pony tail in the hope that it would keep it from opening the cuts again when he shakes his head. He showed us by shaking his head in the waiting room that the plan was flawed and that is how he ended up with the big bandage around his head.

If you look closely, its whole purpose is to keep his ear from moving when he shakes his head, so the scabs have a chance to heal. So I have spent the rest of the day soaking and washing the blood stained clothes and towels and cleaning the rugs with hydrogen peroxide. Lots of drama for a small injury!

1 comment:

Mama K said...

Poor guy.. any idea on how he got hurt?