Monday, July 19, 2010

Forest Grove Concours de Elegance

On Sunday, Martin and I headed to Pacific University to the Concours de Elegance classic car show. We have been trying to get to this for at least 7 years and we finally made it. This year is the 38th year for the show and we were amazed at all the unbelievable vehicles that were there.
Many of them are still in the original owner's family. One vehicle was into the 4th generation of a family, his great grandfather had bought the car off the showroom floor in 1906! Above is the model of the first car I remember driving, a 1963 Chevy supersport, though the one in our family was brown color that had faded considerably in the 5 years my family owned it. It was really fun to see cars that have driven through our lives.

Both Martin's Dad and my brother Gordy owned a black TR3. This was the only one close to the model and year that we both remembered.

Martin's first car he ever purchased was a 1971 Lotus Europa that he purchased directly from the factory when he was stationed in Germany. He drove the Lotus all over Europe, attended the Gran Prix in Monaco and the Cannes film festival. He was sad to have to leave his Lotus in Europe when he returned to the States, selling it to another soldier who was stationed at the same base he was. Above is a Lotus Elan, no Europas in the show, but Martin was happy to see at least one Lotus.

Here's Martin standing in front of a beautifully restored Bentley. Unfortunately, we don't know anyone with a Bentley, it was just a fantastic car.

This is a 47 or 48 Woody. My Uncle John owned a Woody and I can remember driving back from Janesville Wisconsin in a thunderstorm in it when I was a very little girl.

This is the grill of a 1936 Packard. What incredible craftsmanship and artistry. In those days design mattered. Every car was almost a work of art. I wonder if we will feel the same way about our Prius' and Kias in 70 years. Below is a picture of the car itself. It is easy to see where they stole the design for the PT cruiser.

It was a great show and a beautiful day, and I hope we can make attending an annual event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mar...That 63 was mine I bought and found out later that the color was known to fade...Bro J