Saturday, July 24, 2010

Camas Days

Today we went to the yearly summer festival in downtown Camas known as the Camas days. We invited Molly, Rob and the kids for an exciting day of enjoying only the kind of event that a small town can provide you. The picture above is after we returned to our house, we cooked burgers and hot dogs. The lines at the food tents were way too long and the temperature too hot, so we decided to picnic at home. We wanted to document Brandon and Anna petting Guido! Perhaps next the big dogs...
Here we have the famous bath tub races. Water courtesy of Camas Fire who also provided what turned out to be a giant sprinkler for the kids.

Here we have a horse drawn hearse, complete with flag draped coffin in the back. I have to say it is a first for me to see a hearse in a parade, even considering it is an antique one. But this parade was full of firsts, like this is the first time I have ever received a roll of toilet paper thrown out of a Georgia Pacific float and I received a camouflage pencil from some other group in the parade.

Here is Anna decked out in her special princess head band of stars and ribbons, though it almost didn't survive the visit to our house after the parade. She really put it through its paces and we all did get to try it on.

Here is a Shriner's clown. Really nice to see that there are still some of them around and taking part in a small town summer parade.

This is the Lacamas Shores Umbrella Drill Team. I was shocked to find out that I have lived in Camas for six years and this is the first time I had ever heard of them. Here they are doing one of their routines.

The Sheriff of Clark County and the Police Chief in Camas led off the parade. You can see all the folks lining 4th St. which is the main street in town. Below is Brandon, Molly and Anna sitting on the curb watching the parade. It was really a good time, I hope we can attend many more of these.

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