Friday, August 6, 2010

Birthday Trip to the Beach

Hard to believe, but I actually have turned 60! Where did all the time go? Wait a minute, I think I know...To celebrate this auspicious occasion, Martin, my sister Maxine, Molly, Rob and the kids and I made our way to Waldport, OR where Martin and I rented a house for 6 days. 6 days turning 60, provided some sort of symmetry I guess.
Here I go, blowing out those candles. 3 candles each with 20 years on them. Hold on to your wigs and valuables, I almost blew Brandon off the chair. It was a yummy German chocolate cake, that didn't make the trip very well, but thanks to Molly and a can of frosting, its purpose became visible again.

Here's Martin and Sailor, we walked on the beach everyday. Just had to walk down the stairs and across the road to get there. Surprising how often we had the beach to ourselves, with the only other people barely visible down the beach.

My birthday evening we were treated to a beautiful sunset. It was the best one of the six we had. There was mist in the morning and evenings, but during the late morning the sun came out every single day we were there.

Here I am with Sailor and Heartman. Look at Sailor's tongue hanging out. We were able to take them off the leases so they could have a good run which they did every day.

Here is the great room of the house. The kitchen, dining room and living room are all in one room. Notice Guido relaxing on the couch. He doesn't get to do that at home. We especially like this house because the backyard is fenced in and it has a large deck with an incredible ocean view through every window at the front of the house.

Here's Martin and Sailor again, hanging out down at the beach.

Here's Maxine relaxing on the deck, knitting of course!

Molly, Rob, Brandon and Anna collecting shells on the beach. They came back with two buckets full of shells.
A self portrait, taken on the deck with my new birthday camera!

Maxine trying to relax after a hard day of relaxing. I don't think Heartman is helping! All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better birthday or 6 days of fun and super relaxation.

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