Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Projects

Look a day with no rain. Martin and I worked hard on Saturday between the showers to get some things done in the yard. Martin finished our privacy fence next to our patio. I added the plants and finished planting my herbs in the large black pots. Even though it is the end of June, my basil is touch and go. I may have to replant what I put in. The lights on the posts are solar, so I am excited to see how they will work, once they really get charged up.
My sad little garden, which is greatly in need of some sun!! Please gods of the Pacific NW weather send some sun our way. My poor tomatoes are hurting. There are some blossoms so I will keep my fingers crossed.

My Hydrangea is ready to pop. I love to cut the flowers for the house. They are almost there. I carried Hydrangeas in my bouquet when I got married. I love the cool colors.

My million bells is doing pretty well this year and you can see the climbing roses peeking over the fence from the front yard.

We moved the bird feeders to the fence and added a paving stone for the ground feeder. It only took the birds about 30 minutes to find it. Keeps the patio cleaner and it is much harder for the squirrels to eat the sunflower seeds in the long feeder.

1 comment:

DonnaJim23 said...

Summer gardening is very fun and enjoyable, the fence is very nice!