Saturday, June 19, 2010

Eastern Oregon Trip

This week I took a three day business trip to Eastern Oregon. I visited offices in Pendleton, LaGande, Enterprise and The Dalles. Since Mom lives in Enterprise I was able to spend an evening with her, Josh and Ray as well.

This is a shot from a distance of "Barking Mad Farm" in Enterprise, where Marlene, Molly, me and the dogs spent a couple days last Fall. You can see the 8 acre field where the dogs got to run, across the road from the farm. We hope to go back there some time this year as well.
An early morning shot of the Wallowa's with a fresh June snow on the lower slopes.

Me and Mom

Josh in front of the house they recently moved into in Enterprise. Josh will be a Junior next year..hard to believe.

On the way to Enterprise I had to stop and take a shot of this train along the Wallowa River

1 comment:

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