Friday, May 20, 2011

Martin's Trip to LaGrande and Hermiston OR

Martin headed to Eastern Oregon this week to visit Employment Offices in LaGrande and Hermiston. Martin is the Assistant Director for Business and Employment Services for the Oregon Employment Department, and he likes to visit all the offices at least once a year. This photo is taken from the top of a hill outside of Pendleton Oregon. It is a really beautiful part of the state.
LaGrande is only about a hour and a half away from where his mother lives in Enterprise, so they drove up to meet him in LaGrande for dinner. They celebrated his mother's birthday that is May 21st and she is showing off the outfit that we gave her for her birthday. She will be 84 on Saturday!
Nice picture of Martin and his mom. Below is Josh, Martin's nephew who has lived with her since he was a baby. Josh will be a senior in high school next year, really hard to believe that the time has passed so quickly.

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