Saturday, March 19, 2011

Heartman is OK

Heartman is resting comfortably today. Yesterday I took him to get his blood drawn. He is taking Meloxicam for a lesion that he has on the nerve in his neck. The Meloxicam is a non steroidal anti inflammatory that keeps him comfortable and pain free. His breeder Kellcastle Irish Wolfhounds, had shown him and he earned points, but she noticed that something was not quite right with his gait. Ten thousand dollars and a laparoscopic shoulder surgery later, it wasn't fixed. Unfortunately, they didn't diagnose the neck problem which we found out after he came to live with us. I noticed that sometimes he would cry out in the middle of the night. A new young sharp vet figured it out after doing a neurological exam. He is happy and content now and managed on only 7mg of the medication. He takes it with his food every morning and really doesn't notice that he is getting anything. He has to have his liver function tested at least once a year because the drug could cause problems. He got the news that his values were all normal today after yesterday's test. You can see he is unimpressed, but his humans are very happy. Here is Guido choosing to relax by Heartman. Guido is feeling much friendlier since I noticed
that his allergies were bothering him again. Just a week back on the Benadryl and he is like a new dog.

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