Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

This is something we are not used to seeing in the Pacific Northwest, an icicle! It was 15F when we got up this morning. We are about 4 days into our cold snap and we did actually see a bit of snow. It was gone quickly, and I am amazed at the die hard residents who carry on like nothing has happened. I saw a gentleman at the grocery store yesterday, who had shorts and a T-shirt. I guess I don't have that kind of internal heating system. Hopefully, we will be back to our usual rain and more rain by the time the weekend is over.
This is how our dogs handle the cold weather. Not a bad solution, if I say so myself.

The cold weather has brought the birds to our yard to feed. Above are a pair of Turtle Doves who come to feed at the ground feeder every day. Below is a flock of Mourning Doves who stop by frequently to feed as well. Haven't seen too many finches, but I intend to put out some sunflower seeds that might bring them back to the yard.

I apologize for the quality of the picture above. I had to take it through the window, so I have a bit of reflection from the glass.

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