Sunday, January 30, 2011

Portland Auto Show

Like all environmentally aware people Martin and I boarded public transportation to get to the Portland Auto Show at the Convention Center in downtown Portland. Some may say that the idea of public transportation to an auto show is paradoxical, but bear in mind they were showing all the new electric cars as well as numerous hybrid models. Please note in the picture of me below that I am sitting in the senior seats on the Max train, my husband is 62 after all...sorry honey.
We met Molly, Rob and the kids at the show. They took the Max train from Hillsboro to meet us. You can see how excited the kids were they ran to meet us!

The kids had a great time. There were some Shriner's clowns in the children's area who were making balloon animals and other exciting creatures. The kids even got his autograph.

Here Molly is giving Anna her first driving lesson. Never too early to start, Anna has good taste in cars. That is a pretty nice looking red convertible.

Here I am pointing out the special options of this Mini Cooper convertible to Molly and the kids.

Here the kids got to sit in an actual race car, how cool is that...

I told you that there were environmentally friendly cars, check out the electric Tesla sports car below. My husband wants one, I have to say that they are beautiful.

But below, is the love of his life, the Lotus Evora. What a hot car, Martin says I get to pick out the color when we get one. I'm not holding my breath on that one, but we can dream can't we?

No cars were purchased, but it was really fun to see what is out there to buy....and who knows, maybe we will get a new car in the next 5 years or so. I guess it will be good to know what we want!

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