Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family Christmas Party

Anna was very happy with her rabbit family and little house that she got from grandma and grandpa.
Coleen and Grandma Penny get a hug in after all the presents were opened.

Rob is showing off the electronic Scrabble game and keeping track of Brandon's and Anna's presents as well.

Jon and Kate watch as someone is opening a gift.

Kate and Martin are all smiles.

And so am I with my sister Maxine.

Grandma Penny with Molly and Anna.

Josh with Grandma Penny.

Brandon played games on his Itouch before the party started.

The table was full of goodies to eat.

Josh showed off his medals from cross country and wrestling.

We had the gathering of the clan on December 26th this year. Kate didn't get to Portland until late on Christmas Eve, so this definitely worked out the best for everyone. It was a blast. Lots of good food and family, can't ask for more than that can you...

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