Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another Hard Day At The Office

Well another hard day at the office for me today....except that my office today is at the Beach.
I'm in Newport Oregon for a Veterans Conference. I will be here tomorrow and tomorrow night as well for an awards banquet, and then back to the real office on friday....for a half day, and then a dentists appointment in the PM. That half day will turn out to be the only time I spend in my "real" office this week. During the first two days of this week I was at another conference, this time in Portland on ex-offender re-entry.

A couple shots are bleow of the beach today. So far, amazingly there has been no rain, just the typical overcast and wind. Both beach shots were taken from my room and the middle one is the room its self. I've tried to talk Marlene in coming down and joining me, but she has a class to teach she doesn't think she can skip out of..darn. I miss her, and our big dogs....oh yeah, Guido too....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you, too! The dogs are waiting by the door for you!