Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hood to Coast 2010

Last night Martin did his annual volunteer bit for the Hood to Coast race. For you out of towners, it is a team race of runners and walkers that starts from Mt Hood and goes all the way to the Oregon Coast town of Seaside. Every team must donate 3 volunteers in order to be in the race. Martin has volunteered for the Employment Department Team for at least 13 years. A couple of times they needed extra people so I went along too. Martin was stationed way out in the coast range. A rancher donated his pasture for the pit stop which also had Ham radio operators there since there was no cell phone reception. You see above one of the friends Martin made while waiting for teams to come through. He thought they looked like Irish Wolfhounds! Martin got to see the end of the walking teams and the fastest running teams. It is an amazing race in so many ways
This is what the entrance to the pit stop looked like. Volunteers waiting for the racers and their support vans.

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