Monday, August 9, 2010

Clark County Fair 2010

Raise the flags, it is Clark County Fair week. What is unusual is that Martin and I are on vacation, so we were able to go on a Monday and avoid all the crowds and usual long lines for everything. One of the perks of working for the County is that we are able to get fair tickets at a discount and parking for a buck off. Above is the Clark County Fair Queen Taylor. She is carrying a flag that flew over a mission in Iraq and brought back by her father who did a tour of duty there. This is the opening of the barrel races today. Free for all fair goers you can't beat the price! Below you see us watching the barrel races. If you look closely they are reflected in my sun glasses.
I know I am on vacation, but I thought I could make a few extra bucks doing some forensic evaluations. Wait, it is just part of the Alien exhibit, which is the fair special commercial theme.

Ah, yes, Martin loves to take pictures of me eating. A tradition we started about 4 years ago when we went to the Mediterranean countries. So here is the token picture of me eating my Yakisoba noodles my fair lunch. I also had an elephant ear, a sugary treat I have to have whenever I go to a fair.

Pictured below, are some of the fantastic quilts that were entered in this years fair. This was in the 4H building, but some of the displays are entries from all over. I am trying to convince Martin to enter some of his photos next year.

Of course, lots of animals, this is a County fair afterall, below is one of the Llamas who was also enjoying her lunch.

For some reason, this lion was part of the Alien exhibit this year. There were a number of exotic animals that had been rescued and were on display including large snakes and other things that I didn't want to get too close to!

Now here is one of the genuine Aliens, a friendly fellow to be sure. I didn't ask him what planet that he was from but I guarantee you that he is not from Arizona...

More vacation fun tomorrow. We are off to Seattle to see a Mariners game, then on to Victoria, British Columbia. Stay tuned!

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