Thursday, August 12, 2010

Butchart Gardens - Victoria BC

They should call this place Heaven on earth. I think it is one of the loveliest places I have ever been. The gardens are huge and it is a self tour. We were told by several locals that this has been one of the nicest days Victoria has seen this summer. A perfect day to go on a walk in a beautiful place. The Sunken Garden

A field of Zinnias.

An arbor of hanging baskets in the Rose Garden.

Even the garbage cans have flowers.

Beautiful fountains pop up out of nowhere..

Look at these roses in their rose garden.

An incredible Dahlia.

This fountain was incredible, I think we have some even better pictures of this.

Look at the bee doing his thing on this flower!

A hanging basket garden.

Me in the gardens, what a wonderful day. We have more pictures and we will work on editing them for a future album. If you ever get the chance, visit Butchart Gardens in the summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to read you had an enjoyable time and The Gardens and thank you for your ringing endorsement.

Graham Bell
Public Relations
The Butchart Gardens