Monday, January 18, 2010

Family Archives

Grandparent's 50th - Sassali Women
Grandparent's 50th Sassali Men

Grandma Ida Rose & Grandpa Louis 'Muck' Sassali 50th Anniversary

Sam Sassali Family Circa 1952 - My Only Family Picture

Christmas at Grandpa & Grandma Sassali - Gordy;Grandpa; Grandma & ?

Dad, Maxine & Gordy - WWII

Dorothy & Sam Sassali - Wedding May 6, 1939

Instead of cleaning house today, I got started on a trip down memory lane. Now that I got this great new printer for Christmas, I can scan some of the old family photos that haven't seen the light of day for years. Most of the family is now hooked up via Facebook, so here is an opportunity to look at some pictures they may have seen or perhaps never seen. My parent's wedding picture is great. Everyone asks why they are posing in front of a pile of tires. Family lore states that they eloped to the tri cities - Rock Island, Moline & Davenport, Ia. On the way they had a flat tire, so this is them getting the tire fixed after the wedding. They picked up a hitch hiker along the way who was their best man and turned out to be life long friend. The picture of Christmas at Grandpa & Grandma, I am not sure if that is Jerry or me in my mother's lap. I am the youngest member of the family in the family picture, front and center. I am on the far left in the picture of the Sassali women taken at my grandparent's 50th anniversary.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have the one of the guys glad you have the one of the gals at the 50th..Bro