Thursday, January 9, 2020

Fall to Winter 2019

After our great European summer vacation this year it was good to get back to our home town of Camas and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  That enjoyment started out when one of our neighbors offered to take us out on the Columbia in their boat which they keep down on our neighborhood dock.  Here Marlene is relaxing as we cruise up and down the river.

About 50 years ago the city of Camas did a very wise thing.  They planted trees on both sides of the main streets of the town, transforming a drab little mill town into a charming small town, that to this day still has a thriving main street where people actually want to come to.  One of the best times to see Camas is in the fall when these great trees show off their colors.

Of course as usual our life  has been full of dogs of various kinds.  We continue to volunteer at the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, and this fall they have seen a continuous stream of canine residents.  Most don't stay long because the shelter does such a good job finding good forever homes quickly.

And of course we have our own two to keep us busy when we are not at the shelter.  Here they are wishing the rain would let up so they could go out and play.

Marlene said goodbye to her cute little Fiat 500 this year and replaced with something a little bigger, a Subaru Cross Trek.   She liked the Fiat, but really appreciates all the safety features in the new car.

And speaking of this isn't Martins new one, but we did see this one day on our morning walk and just had to take a picture.

 In October we went to the annual West Columbia Gorge banquet.  This is the biggest fund raiser of the year and also a very fun event.

If possible we like to visit Las Vegas at least once a year, and this year we did it in December for the first time. We really enjoyed seeing all the Christmas decorations and displays that the hotels and city had all over.

One of the most speculator  Christmas displays was at the Bellagio .

Another year and another family Christmas party.   These kids just keep growing, but the adults get smaller.

Our dear daughters, Molly and Kate.

Laughing at Matins stomach?

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