Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Catching Up

We've been having another great spring and early summer, with lots of walks and other activities.
 Of course we start every day except Sundays with a morning walk. Usually along the same 4 mile route, but sometimes we explore, like when we found this great view of the Washougal River, right inside the Camas city limits.

A lot of our days revolve around Emmie and Norrie, even though they take a lot of naps like Norrie, above.

This year the girls celebrated their 3rd birthday.  Here they are having special birthday treats.

Marlene met her goal with Weight Watchers this year and got a special reward from them to prove it.

We continue to spend time at the West Columbia Gorge Humane society every week, and have helped a lot of great dogs find their "Forever Homes".

We also helped out at one of their fundraising activities, this year "Hike on the Dike"

 This year Vancouver began development on their waterfront, an area that had been marked by Industrial development.  It's now very people friendly with shops, restaurants, and walking trails.  We were there on one of the first days it was open even though it was a rainy day.

Later we went back and brought Kate

Our Niece, Ryann had a basketball tournament in Camas, which was fun to watch with her parents.

We celebrated Molly's Birthday at home with Dan.

And in early june we had a great time at Emerald downs, with Molly Dan.

And we always enjoy the annual Camas Car show.  Here's Martin in front of his favorite, the Lotus.

 Our girls as always are spoiled and pampered.  
We will end this post with Emmie, and her "ear hat"

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