Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dog Fun Wolfhound Style

 Our wonderful Irish Wolfhounds, gosh we are attached to these large easy going pooches. This is our Sailor who turned 6 in July.  Irish Wolfhounds don't generally live longer than 7 or 8 years. Their fast growth, makes them very vulnerable to bone cancer. So you love them lots everyday that you have them.
 Sailor is smiling for the camera. Below is our Cina, she is a year old and a total clown. First Irish Wolfhound that I have ever had that likes to sneak into bed with us. She starts curled up in a ball at my feet, then stretches out pushing Martin and I out of her way.
 Below is Martin's mom, she is legally blind and it didn't take Cina long to figure out that she wasn't paying attention to what was happening on her plate. I didn't say these dogs weren't sneaky, because when it comes to food, they will find a way to make it their own.
 Sailor moves in to see if he can get into the game, but Cina clearly has the advantage.
 Too late, Cina scored, my mother in law does look a bit shocked. Better luck next time Sailor.

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