Sunday, September 23, 2012

Las Vegas

It's been about a week since we got back from our trip to Las Vegas, wanted to get a post on about the trip and some of the pictures, so better late than never.  We had a great time in spite of being there during a huge monsoon downpour.  We stayed at the Paris once again, which we still like a lot...and not only because they have one of the best brunch buffets in LV.  We saw three great shows, Le Reve, Chris Angel, and Craig Furguson and it goes without saying that we also ate well and played a lot of slots.

 On the first day during the afternoon, there was a huge rainstorm.  We picked that time to walk from the Paris to the Win to get tickets for a show.  We knew it was raining but being from the Northwest figured no big deal.  But it was definitely   different than the typical Oregon/Washington rain shower.  It rained so hard that Las Vegas Blvd turned into a river, and as the picture below shows, ducks actually were swimming down the street.

 We explored some of the new casinos and hotels that were new since we were in LV the last time.  Here Marlene trys on a shoe in the Cosmopolitan.  We had one of the best buffets here, in a place called the "Wicked Spoon"
 And of course we had to visit the "Pawn Stars" store.  Marlene inside and outside of the store.

 One of the best ways to get around LV, besides walking is to take the city bus.  We did that to explore the old part of LV one afternoon.
The Venetian at night.  All of these pictures were taken with our new cell phones.

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