Monday, July 25, 2011

A Piece of Our Heart

Heartman in the Columbia River Gorge.
Heartman at Columbia State Hills Park.
Heartman and I out for a walk by the river.

Heartman and Sailor in the van on the way home from Enterprise Oregon. Below, Heartman at Barking Mad Farm in Enterprise.
Today, we lost one of our beloved Irish Wolfhounds, Kellcastle's Heartman, call name Heartman.
He had a nasty fall on Wednesday, slipping on the floor in the garage. We took him immediately to the vet, and he was medicated and it was a watch and see situation. Martin and I took turns sleeping on the couch to be close to him. We were amazed when in spite of his pain he started bouncing around the house on three legs to do what he liked to do. I actually broke my right foot trying to avoid coming in contact with that left leg as he went bouncing by me. We had set up a follow up appointment with his regular vet today. And watched a real decline and change in his ability to move around on Sunday evening. We noticed that his "bad" left leg was looking swollen. I suspected he had actually broken his leg and I was not wrong. But what I didn't realize was what was causing all his issues with his left rear leg, the Xray revealed bone cancer spread throughout his left leg. His breeder and former owner Ann came over to our house Sunday afternoon, and she realized the probability of today's outcome. We questioned our sanity for loving a breed whose lives could be so short. No dog so sweet in spirit and so full of love should ever be allowed to suffer for any reason. So that is why our beloved Heartman did not come home with us. We thanked Ann for giving us a dog so full of love and joy. Every minute with him was a blessing. I find myself without a pair of wolfhounds for the first time in 11 years. Would I dare get another one? Even in our sadness, Martin and I realize, that yes we would do it all over again and probably will. In the meantime, we will keep our surviving wolfhound Sailor busy and he still has Guido our other dog to keep him company. And Martin and I will console ourselves with some incredible memories of a totally beautiful dog.


Mushbigdog said...

Beautiful, Thank You Honey.

Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to hear of your loss of Heartman. And hope your foot heals quickly. Patty