Sunday, September 12, 2010

Anna Turns 4

Gosh what a Sunday, we started it at a birthday luncheon for Anna who is turning 4 on Wednesday. There were grandparents everywhere. Presents and fantastic food was the order of the day. Anna was in high gear, opening presents in what had to be some kind of record. I have never seen so much pink and purple in my life! Oh, the joy of a Zhu zhu, especially a pink one.
Here is Anna with her trusty assistant Brandon. He made sure that she opened everything in the correct order and explained everything she received. Bit of a bonus for the big brother since his Zhu zhu Rocky gets to use the exercise ball that Anna got today.

Oh, yes and could her day be complete without her purple frosted birthday cake. She had no trouble blowing out those candles. I told Molly it was the best pink and purple birthday cake that I have ever eaten. See below it is really pink and purple!

And on the home front, poor Heartman has another ear infection. This means that he has another two weeks of ear drops. After we took him to the vet on Saturday, he and Sailor got to go to the dog park which they dearly love. There were a bunch of dogs there and they were in 7th heaven. They are kicking back this afternoon, enjoying the breeze from the sliding glass door. What a perfect weekend.

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