Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday at the Dog Park

Here I am at the dog park in Washougal with the boys. Martin says I was looking proud so I was holding my head high. The truth was I was looking over his shoulder to see how close the people were who had two little dogs on the path in front of us. Pictured below is Sailor meeting one of the two miniature Schnauzers. The owners brought their dogs over from the small dog section of the dog park especially to meet our big boys. They wanted their dogs to meet some gentle big dogs as the last time they were in the park, one of them was attacked by an American Bull Terrier.
Sailor doesn't look too sure does he, smells like a dog, but is it really one? We had several people stop and talk with us about the dogs. I think there are some future Irish Wolfhound owners in Clark County WA! Love our off leash dog park, and they may be opening one in Camas soon. We have been very busy. There is a bit of a lull in the action this week, then next week Martin is off to DC for three days for a conference. I decided not to go with him, instead we are taking the last week of May off and doing a little road trip. We like to travel for our birthdays and Martin's is May 29th.

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