Friday, January 13, 2017

Fall To Winter

 It's been about four months since our last Blog.  Those four months saw a beautiful Fall turn into a real winter for a change.  We've enjoyed the change of seasons, and with that change came the changes in our two growing Wolfhound puppies, Emmie and Norrie.

We are lucky to have a view of Mount Hood from our house, and every morning we start off by seeing if she is out for the day.  We were treated to many gorgeous sunrises like the one above this spring.

We took advantage of the nice fall weather by getting the girls out as often as we could.  This picture was taken in September when they were only about four months old.  We are walking along the newly opened riverfront park that is within walking distance of our house along the Columbia River.  The harnesses that they are wearing in this picture are now too small for them, but we have a bigger size as well.

Besides walking the dogs, every morning we start our day with a 4 mile walk from our house into Camas and Back.  Marlene enjoys taking pictures along the way of the changing scenery, trees and  beautiful  plants and flowers we see along the way.

As the weather became wetter we began to notice mushrooms of various types along the way and then we began to see more and more "Wooly Bear" caterpillars. We kept an eye on the size of their black stripes which are thought to be an indication how severe the winter will be.  So far it looks like the caterpillars were correct.

And then we became sidewalk superintendents because every day we walk across the Washougal River and watch the slow progress of the new Burlington Northern railroad bridge that is being built to replace the existing 100 year old one.  The process has been fascinating to watch.

 Emmie and Norrie have continued to grow throughout these last four months.  Emmie at right is a little bigger than Norrie, but they are both over 100 pounds at this time.

Norrie knows she is not supposed to get on the couch, but thinks it's OK if her rear feet are on the floor.

They have been known to get into a little mischief however, like with the new dog bed at right that they unstuffed, or the hole in the fence that they patently chewed through one day when they were alone longer than they liked.

Another highlight of the Fall of 2016 was the the Chicago Cubs World Series Championship. For a lifetime Cubs fan, Marlene was in 7th heaven.

In addition to our own dogs, both of us spent time with the dogs at the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society.  Here Marlene holds Ci Ci, who along with many others now has a forever home.

 During the fall both of our grand children celebrated birthdays.  Here Anna shows off her new apron we got her for hers.

Of course we couldn't let Thanksgiving go by without the traditional turkey dinner.  Norrie is inspecting the turkey to make sure its safe to eat.

We had to go to at least one football game this fall.  The picture above was taken as Eastern Washington beat Portland State in Portland.

As the weather got wetter and wetter our dog run turned into a muddy mess, so we invested in a new load of cedar chips which both dogs loved, and we loved not washing them off every time they came in.

 Finally Christmas arrived and we all had a great time.  It was the dogs' first Christmas and they may have thought it a little strange to have a tree in the house, but they seemed to take it all in stride.  Getting them to hold still for a picture is always a challenge, however.

 Marlene got one thing she asked Santa for...a "Drop Top" Neon sign.

We spent part of New Year's Eve doing one of our shifts at the USO at PDX

We had to try a Christmas Selfie, and this one turned out a little better than some.

Our year ended with a real winter for a change.  The girls love the snow, and love their new coats that Auntie Max made for them.  They look mad in this picture, but it's just play  (I think)

We will try to be a little more regular with this blog in the future.

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